
Showing posts from January, 2021

ChiKung/Tai Chi Seminar - Fort Hamer Park

 Chi Kung & Tai Chi Seminar Shaolin BaDuanJin Qigong and TaiJiQuan Fundamentals  Led by Shifu G. García 31st Generation Shaolin Warrior Monk, Shi De Cheng performing BaDuanJin QiGong The  Baduanjin QiGong  ( 八段錦 ) is one of the most common forms of Chinese  qigong  used as exercise.   Variously translated as  Eight Pieces of Brocade ,  Eight-Section Brocade ,  Eight Silken Movements  or  Eight Silk Weaving , the name of the form generally refers to how the eight individual movements of the form characterize and impart a  silken  quality (like that of a piece of  brocade ) to the body and its  energy . The Baduanjin is primarily designated as a form of medical qigong, meant to improve health. Come learn these wonderful exercises from Shifu G. Garc ía. You will learn all eight (8) BaDuanJin exercises, as well as fundamentals of Tai Chi Chuan, specifically movements and postures from the Simplified Yang Sty...

Shaolin Staff Seminar - Fort Hamer Park

 Shaolin Staff Seminar - Fort Hamer Park Led by G. Garcia Date: Saturday, January 23rd, 2021 Time: 9:00-10:30a Place: Fort Hamer Road Park 1605 Fort Hamer Rd Parrish, FL  34219 Learn the most iconic weapon in Shaolin Kungfu! Shaolin Long staff is an excellent way to start training in traditional weapons. Contact us at or call (941) 479-0210 to reserve a spot! Spaces are limited! Seminar cost: $20.00 (students) / $40.00 (non-students)    Staff: $30.00